Sunday, June 5, 2011

Road Trip - Chennai to Kumbakonam

We drove down to Kumbakonam and back last week. Wanted to share the latest updates on the routes...

Quickest Route
Chennai - Thindivanam - Vikkiravandi - Ulundurpet - Trichy - Tanjore - Kumbakonam
Estimated Travel Time: 5-6 hours
This will be the best and predictable route as of today - Straight 4 lane highway till Trichy and a short drive to Tanjore and hence to Kumbakonam on the state highways

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Religious Favorite Route
Chennai - Thindivanam - Pondicherry - Cuddalore - Chidhambaram - Sirkali - Mayiladuthurai - Kumbakonam
Estimated Travel Time: 5.5 hours
This is slightly shorter, but you will drive more state highways (two lane and no median) which could be frustrating. Also, the bridge near Kuthalam is down (Kuthalam is a town in the Sirkali-Mayiladuthurai-Kumbakonam stretch and the detour is a painful narrow road that increases the stretch by 11Km. But if you are looking at travelling to the navagraha sthalas - you already have two of them on this detour stretch - Vaitheeswaran Koil and Suryanar Koil - Not to mention the chance of visiting Chidambaram.

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Don't consider this route
Chennai - Thindivanam - Vikkiravandi - Panruti - Neyveli - Sethiathope - Kumbakonam
Estimated Travel Time: 5 hours
This should be the ideal and shortest route. But currently dont even consider this route. The bridge at Anakarai is down and only cars are currently routed on the riverbed. But do not trust this route - very treacherous, and will be blocked once the water is opened out for irrigation in a few days time. Also the road from Anakarai to Neyveli is full of pot-holes and is tough to drive.

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